Crafties back in action!
The "CRAFTIES" art&craft group will start again on Thursday 5th September. The autumn theme is making children's dresses for Africa based...
New idea for woodworking project
At the last Committee Meeting, we discussed potential projects to make use of some timber we have been offered (from the old Burrowbridge...
Crafties group on a break
Our crafties group which meet at the Chapel on Thursdays have broken up for summer. We will be back in September, on the 5th and then...
Crafties group
We have a well established 'arts & crafts' group, meeting alternate Thursdays at the Chapel. It costs £2 (for hall hire) and runs from...
Wood carving
Wood carving classes start tomorrow! The theme this time will be letter carving. The first part of the project will be carving your house...
New wood carving classes
Wood carving classes start in January. The theme this time will be letter carving. The 12 weeks will be split into two projects ; the...